Those Who Hunt Elves

Those Who Hunt Elves (1996)

AnimaçãoAnimeAção & AventuraFicção Científica & Fantasia

Junpei, campeão de artes marciais, cujo intelecto é inversamente proporcional à sua força descomunal. Ritsuko, uma colegial fanática por armamentos militares. Airi, atriz famosa, ganhadora de um Oscar e exímia estrategista. Eles são transportados acidentalmente ao mundo da fantasia pela atrapalhada líder das elfas, Celcia. Ela logo tenta manda-los de volta, mas algo sai errado no ritual e o feitiço de transporte é dividido em cinco partes que foram impressas na pele de cinco elfas que estão em algum lugar desse mundo. E os quatro saem a bordo de um tanque do exército, que veio junto com eles, a fim de despir as elfas e encontrar os fragmentos do feitiço que os levará de volta para casa.

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1 - Those Who Hunt Elves! The Fish Pirates Are Here!

A gang of pirate fishes (no kidding!!) have arrived in a poor town, looking for elves to capture and sell, and caused chaos and wanton destruction. They have, however, chosen a bad day to be bad boys, for Junpei and the others are there. Junpei wants to jump them right away, but Airi thinks its better to wait and see what happens, so that they can make a plan. Airi disguises herself as an Elf, but the plan fails and Junpei and Ritsuko have to act. The fishes get their butts kicked and there is destroyed, thanks to Type 74.

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2 - The Birth! The Invincible Party

Flashback: The teleportation ceremony is disrupted by Junpei and Celsias spell is lost. Now the gang has to look for the five parts if they ever want to see Japan again. Celsia wants to help them (so that she could minimize the damage those morons could do to her world), but the guys laugh at her. Later, Celsia transforms herself into a weird yellow dog and helps the gang get their first piece of the incantation.

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3 - The Choice! The Secret Medicine Of Red And Blue

The next town on the gangs itinerary has been deeply affected by the attack of the skeleton army. The leader of the guards is Dyal, a female Elf. At first, she is rather weary of the group, But Junpei makes short work of her objections and she has to get naked or suffer the dire consequences.

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4 - Frantic Killing! The 100th Target

Junpei and the others encounter Liepia, a beautiful but powerful Elf who has a mysterious mark on her body. She refuses to submit herself to them and fights Junpei, who shows her what the true spirit of fighting is all about. She is beaten, but the mark on her body is not part of the incantation.

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5 - The Addition! The Fifth Wicked Friend

The gang is in trouble because Type 74 has, once again, run out of fuel. Airi, Junpei and Pochi decide to abandon it, bur Ritsuko refuses to leave it. The three go to a nearby town, where they are attacked by a giant teddy bear (?!!). It is later revealed that all of this is caused by the accursed ghost of a cat.

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6 - The Most Horrible Spell of All Time

Once again the gang falls on a beautiful but rather aggressive Elf, who definitely does not want to take her clothes off. She seems to know Celsia (Pochi) quite well and is not happy with her. Why are you helping those strangers take our clothes off? Celsia has a lot of explaining to do.

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7 - Horror! Catch Me In A Flower Field

The rain starts to fall and the gang finds refuge in an old European-styled house. This is, however, an Elf hideout and its inhabitants pretend to be ghosts to keep intrudes out. At first, is a little scared (the Elves are rather imaginative), but when Junpei finds out that these ghosts are, in fact, Elves, he derives a plan to capture them and take their clothes off.

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8 - The End Of Life! Until The End Of The World

Junpei and the others have found an Elf. However, there is a problem, for the Elf in question IS a ghost! After some doodling around, Celsia manages to put her into a body, but, to their surprise, the much sought incantation is not on her body. To make things worse, there was a screw up with Celsias spell and the gang cannot go back into their bodies again.

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9 - Moved Deeply! Dance Beautifully Dear!

In this episode, Airi has to show Colina, a pretty flower vendor, how to dance. The girl has fallen in love with the Prince of the Royal Family and she wants to go to the Royal Palace and dance with her Prince. Later, Airi discovers that Colina is an Elf, but just cannot bring herself to rip her clothes off, or even ask her to get naked. Junpei, however, has know knowledge of the situation and takes charge of things.

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10 - Tragedy! The Elf Who Wants To Take Her Clothes Off!

As the gang arrives in the next town, an Elf suddenly appears in front of them and declares she wants to take her clothes off! After some explanations, things are straightened out (Junpei had to be restrained). Miria used to be a heroin who chased away a big, bad sorcerer from the town. She does not need her magic armor anymore, but she just cannot take it off! Junpei promises that he and his friends will take the armor off her, whatever happens.

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11 - Counterattack! There Is No Tomorrow For You!

The other Elves are not happy with Celsia because she has been helping humans to chase them and take their clothes off, so there is a warrant out for Celsias arrest. Meanwhile, Junpei and the others are going crazy in a restaurant that serves curry rice. Ever since they were spirited away, they have not eaten anything Japanese and the curry rice at the restaurant is just like the one back home! To make things even better, they also find two pieces of the incantation. Celsia finds that hard to believe and goes back to the restaurant, where she meets Judge advocate of the Elves Association. The gang escapes and finds themselves in a place that can be used to send them back to our world.

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12 - And Then, Those Who Hunt Elves.

The gang, including Celsia, are arrested and put to trail. At court, all the Elves that were assulted and were victims of their illicit activities come to testify. Of all of them, only Miria defends the gang and the cause seems lost. However, Air manages to convince the jury that the Elves world and Japan are connected. After deliberation, their sentence is pronounced: deportation! In other words: collect your stupid pieces of incantations and get the heck out of here or else! Junpei, Airi, Ritsuko and Type 74 can now have their teleportation ceremony. Or can they?.

Tomoko Kawakami

Tomoko Kawakami

Pichi, Annette, Emily
Motomu Kiyokawa

Motomu Kiyokawa

Einal, Hammerhead
Tomokazu Seki

Tomokazu Seki

Junpei Ryuzoj
Michie Tomizawa

Michie Tomizawa

Airi Komiyama
Kotono Mitsuishi

Kotono Mitsuishi

Celsia Marie Claire
Yuko Miyamura

Yuko Miyamura

Ritsuko Inoue
Eriko Kawasaki

Eriko Kawasaki



Takehito Koyasu

Takehito Koyasu

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