All Creatures Great & Small
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All Creatures Great & Small (1978)


Baseada nos livros autobiográficos de James Herriot e remake da série exibida entre 1978 e 1990, conta a história de um veterinário recém formado em 1937, James Herriot, que batalha para encontrar trabalho em sua terra natal, Glasgow, atingida pela Depressão. Buscando novas oportunidades, ele consegue um cargo na remota vila de Darrowby, trabalhando para o excêntrico veterinário Siegfried Farnon, que fica pouco impressionado com seus esforços iniciais. Contudo, um difícil parto de um bezerro dá a James uma chance de provar seu valor.

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1 - You;ve Got to Dream

Fresh out of veterinary college in 1937, James Herriot struggles to find work in his Depression-struck home town of Glasgow. Seeking new opportunities, he pursues a position in the remote village of Darrowby working for eccentric local vet Siegfried Farnon, who is less than impressed by his early efforts. However, a difficult calving gives James a chance to prove his worth.

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2 - Another Farnon?

Skeldale House descends into chaos with the arrival of Siegfrieds wayward brother Tristan. Helen provides James with a reason to stay in the Dales.

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3 - Andante

Tristan sets about collecting debts owed to the surgery and takes a shine to Maggie, the new barmaid at The Drovers. Siegfried hopes to bag the job of Attending Vet at Darrowby Racecourse, by buttering up the head of the race course, General Ransom. When the favourite to win on the race day is diagnosed with a inoperable condition, James has his first painful experience.

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4 - A Tricki Case

James is forced to take in Mrs Pumphreys pampered Pekingese. Tristan prepares to return to university, but needs Siegfrieds help to pay for his accommodation, but Siegfried insists he must first prove he is serious about being a vet. James treats the Aldersons prize bull, and Helen rewards his efforts with some unusual home baking.

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5 - All;s Fair

Its the Darrowby Show and James is pleased as punch that he has been given the honour of Attending Vet. But Siegfried and Tristan know the job is a poisoned chalice and reckon James wont last the day without throwing in the towel.

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6 - A Cure for All Ills

James workload doubles when Siegfried takes ill during a harsh winter. Mrs Hall discovers it is James birthday, and Tristan tries his best to cheer him up by arranging a double date. Season finale.

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7 - The Night Before Christmas

James is trying to bury his pain over Helen and has invited his new girlfriend Connie to the annual Skeldale Christmas party. As the house fills with locals, James receives a call from a man who wants help with his dog who is giving birth.

Nicholas Ralph

Nicholas Ralph

James Herriot
Samuel West

Samuel West

Siegfried Farnon
Anna Madeley

Anna Madeley

Mrs Hall
Callum Woodhouse

Callum Woodhouse

Tristan Farnon
Rachel Shenton

Rachel Shenton

Helen Alderson
Imogen Clawson

Imogen Clawson

Jenny Alderson
Tony Pitts

Tony Pitts

Richard Alderson
Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis

Hugh Hulton
Mollie Winnard

Mollie Winnard

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