Tal Mãe, Tal Filha
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Tal Mãe, Tal Filha (2000)


Em uma pequena cidade que mistura sonhadores, artistas e pessoas comuns, este drama multigeracional sobre família e amizade gira em torno da relação de Lorelai Gilmore e sua filha, Rory.

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1 - Piloto

After Rory is accepted to the prestigious Chilton Preparatory School, Lorelai is forced to go to her wealthy parents for financial assistance. Her parents happily loan their daughter the money in exchange for an end to the estrangement and a family dinner every Friday night. Unfortunately, things hit a snag when a cute new transfer student flirts with Rory, leading the younger Gilmore to wonder whether leaving Stars Hollow High is really what she wants.

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2 - O primeiro dia de Lorelai em Chilton

Lorelai oversleeps on Rorys first day at Chilton, and discovers that all her good clothes are at the dry cleaner. She throws on a tiny tie-dyed top, Daisy Mae shorts, and cowboy boots to the dismay of Rory and Emily, who has shown up for Rorys introduction to Chiltons headmaster. Rorys day only goes downhill from there after being handed a three inch binder containing one weeks worth of notes from one class and meeting insufferable classmates determined to make her life at Chilton miserable.

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3 - Kill Me Now

When Rory announces at Friday night dinner that she has to pick a team sport to play at Chilton, Emily insists that Richard take Rory to the club and teach her golf. Richard is hesitant, and although Rory tees off to a rocky start, she has a great time walking and talking with her grandfather. Later, Lorelais simmering mixed feelings come to a boil after Rory tells her how much she enjoyed spending time with Richard at the club, provoking an argument. Meanwhile, Lorelai has her hands full at the Inn, overseeing all the preparations for an ornate double wedding ceremony while contending with a pair of spoiled and quarrelsome twin brides, their exhausted mother, Michel, and the rest of the Inns staff.

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4 - The Deer Hunters

Max Medina gives Rory the first D of her life on an English paper. Paris taunts her non-stop about being a failure and gets Rory very stressed about an upcoming test on Shakespeare that will count for 20% of her English grade. Lorelai spends the week helping Rory study, and they both collapse exhausted at the kitchen table in the early morning hours of the day of the big test. Naturally, they oversleep. In her panic to get to school on time, Rory gets into a car accident -- she gets hit by a deer who runs into Lorelais car at a stop sign. When she walks into class late, Max tells her that she cant take the test, and Rory has a meltdown, finally giving Paris and Tristan the chewing out they so richly deserve. Lorelai pleads Rorys case with the headmaster to no avail, and has her own meltdown, leaving with a few not-so-well-chosen insults to the headmaster and Chilton. On their way home, Rory insists that they stop and look for the deer to make sure its all right and Loralei rea

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5 - Cinnamon;s Wake

During their weekly dinner at Emilys, Lorelai learns of her cousin Claudias funeral, but as she didnt know the woman, she doesnt want to go. The next day Rory reminds Lorelai of the Chilton bake sale, and on their way out they meet their neighbors Babette and Morey out walking their cat Cinnamon. Dean surprises Rory at the bus stop and rides with her for a little bit, telling her Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore as he leaves. At the Chilton bake sale, Lorelai sees Max Medina and is cold to him, but after he tells her that he wants to help Rory and be friends, she agrees to meet him for coffee. Rory accidentally runs into Dean at the market, and is teased by Miss Patty for it. Lorelai meets with Max, who says that they should date. Lorelai thinks its a bad idea. Max proceeds to tell her that they are attracted to each other, and after a sad story about seizing the day, Lorelai agrees to dinner. Max leaves her with Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore, leaving her just as flustered as Rory was wh

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6 - Rory;s Birthday Parties

Its Rorys birthday, and her grandmother and mother each plan a party representative of their respective styles; Emilys elegant party so discomfits Rory that they argue; to make peace, Emily and Richard attend Lorelais informal bash the next evening.

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7 - Kiss and Tell

Dean gives Rory her first kiss; fearful of her mothers disapproval, Rory decides not to tell Lorelai for a little while; Lorelai gets stressed when she hears about the kiss from Mrs. Kim instead of Rory; Rory freaks out at first when Lorelai invites Dean over to watch videos and eat junk food, but ends up having a good time after all.

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8 - Love and War and Snow

The first snow of the season falls heavily, stranding Rory at Emily and Richards house and their cook at home, leaving Rory to make dinner and introduce her grandparents to the joys of frozen pizza with extra cheese. Luke is obsessing about the silliness of the re-enactment of the Battle of Stars Hollow in the town square, which basically consisted of twelve men who stood waiting all night for Redcoats who never arrived. He finally relents and makes amends to all by bringing them coffee. Lorelai is enjoying a walk alone in the snow when she comes upon Max, whose car has died in Stars Hollow on the way home from Stamford. She whisks him off for fiesta burgers and the movies, and they have a marvelous time on their first date. Luke gets a very pained expression on his face as he sees them walk through town arm-in-arm and kiss. When they arrive at Lorelais house, their passionate embraces are interrupted by a distraught Lane, who was waiting there for Rory. Lorelai has a heart-to-heart

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9 - Rory;s Dance

During dinner at her mothers, Lorelai finds out that not only is there a formal dance at Chilton, but that Rory doesnt want to go. On the way home, Lorelai convinces Rory that she needs to have this experience, and even offers to make Rory a dress. Lane prods Rory into asking Dean to go, and she nervously does. Even though he says he doesnt really like dances, he agrees to go with Rory. When Emily arrives at Lorelais the night of the dance to see Rory off and take some pictures, she finds that Lorelai has thrown her back out. She decides to stay and to take care of Lorelai,and they manage to get in some nice mother-daughter bonding during the course of the evening. The dance starts off well; Rorys dress is complimented, Dean is admired, and Paris is embarrassed when everyone finds out that her date is her cousin and that he insisted upon being paid to escort Paris. Unfortunately, Tristan baits Dean, and they almost get into a fight before Dean warns him never to come near Rory aga

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10 - Forgiveness and Stuff

Things are still chilly between Rory and Lorelai; Lane gives Rory advice about the right Christmas gift for Dean; Emily and Lorelai have a tiff about Christmas dinner, leaving Rory to go by herself; Dean and Lorelai patch things up; Luke makes a lonely Lorelai a Santa burger; Richard collapses and is rushed to the hospital; Luke gives a car-less Lorelai a ride to the hospital; relieved that Richards collapse was only a bout of angina, the Gilmores settle their differences.

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11 - Paris is Burning

As Lorelai and Max grow closer, Rory begins to get attached to the idea of Max in their lives, which freaks Lorelai out; Sookie and Lorelai have a frank talk about relationships; Lorelai tries to ease out of her relationship with Max during Parents Day at Chilton, but ends up passionately kissing him in his classroom just as Paris walks by; stung by the details in the newspapers about her parents messy divorce, Paris tells everyone in the lunchroom about Max and Lorelai to deflect gossip away from her and towards Rory; Rory confronts Paris, gets an apology, and offers a sympathetic ear, which is grudgingly accepted; Sookie asks Jackson out on a date and he accepts.

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12 - Double Date

From the WB Media Site: After Lorelai encourages Sookie to ask out her produce man, Jackson, she soon finds herself on the double date from hell with Jacksons very odd cousin (guest star Max Perlich, Homicide: Life on the Street), which makes Luke jealous enough to finally work up the courage to ask Lorelai out. Meanwhile, Rory and Lane get into trouble when they double date with Dean and his friend Todd (guest star Lukas Behnken) without telling their moms.

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13 - Concert Interruptus

Lorelai organizes the Stars Hollow Charity Rummage Sale and buys a sweatshirt donated by Luke. When she wears it into the diner, he goes ballistic, much to her shock. Sookie tells her later that the sweatshirt belonged to his old girlfriend Rachel, who broke his heart. When Lorelais curiosity gets the better of her and she demands details from Sookie, Sookie teases her about being jealous of Rachel, which Lorelai denies a little too strongly. Lorelai returns the sweatshirt to Luke, reminding him that its okay to hold onto some good memories.

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14 - That Damn Donna Reed

An evening of The Donna Reed Show reruns infects Dean and both Gilmore Girls -- Dean expresses a longing for the type of family represented by the show, Lorelai helps Luke spruce up the diner with a fresh paint job and new curtains, and Rory dresses up like Donna and fixes a 1950s style dinner for Dean while petsitting Babettes new kitten; when the baby chick thats the subject of Rorys midterm project gets loose in the house, Lorelai frantically calls Luke to help her search the house; both Sookie and Emily force Lorelai to confront her feelings for Luke; Christopher roars into town on his motorcycle, and agrees to stay at Lorelais and Rorys during his visit.

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15 - Christopher Returns

Wanting to play a greater role in Rorys life, Christopher settles in for his visit and lets Rory give him the grand tour of Stars Hollow. When his parents arrive in Hartford for a visit, Emily invites everyone to Friday night dinner, which turns out to be an unqualified disaster after Richard nearly comes to blows with Christophers father over critical comments about Lorelai. In the aftermath of the ruined dinner party, Richard retreats to his study to calm down, Emily makes a plate for Rory in the kitchen and reassures her how much she is loved and regarded, and Christopher finds Lorelai on the balcony of her old bedroom and comforts her by repeating a little romantic history. The next morning, Lorelai awakens with a start, horrified that she forgot to help Luke paint the diner after dinner on Friday night. Grabbing a jacket, she races to the diner still clad in her pajamas, and begs Lukes forgiveness. He shrugs it off at first, but appears somewhat wounded when he realizes that L

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16 - Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers

Lukes ex-girlfriend Rachel arrives in Stars Hollow unexpectedly, and immediately picks up on the attraction between Luke and Lorelai, which they deny. Rachel decides to stay for awhile, which leaves Luke and Lorelai with mixed feelings. Lorelai and Rory are amazed when Emily agrees to excuse Rory from Friday night dinner so that Rory and Dean can celebrate their three month anniversary. When Lorelai arrives for dinner, she discovers the source of Emilys largesse -- her mother has invited another guest -- a man with whom she secretly hopes to fix Lorelai up. After a painful dinner with one of the worlds most boring men, Lorelai attempts to escape through the window of her old bedroom, but is caught in the act by Richard. When he is forced to admit that even he is bored by the man, he uncharacteristically covers for her and lets her make her getaway. Back in Stars Hollow, Dean treats Rory to a wonderfully romantic dinner, and then gives her a present -- a car that hes restoring for h

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17 - The Breakup, Part 2

Rory decides to engage in a flurry of activity to avoid thinking about Dean, despite Lorelais advice to wallow; Lorelai runs interference as the residents of Stars Hollow reach out to console Rory and Luke attempts to bar Dean from the diner; Rachel pitches in to help Luke out at the diner; Jackson prepares dinner for Sookie, and has a tough time keeping her out of the kitchen; Rory decides to attend Madelines party and takes Lane along for company; Lorelai decides to visit Max when she realizes how much she misses him; Lane is torn when she meets the perfect guy at the party; Rory attempts to befriend Tristan after he has very public breakup with his girlfriend at the party, and when he apologizes for his past bad behavior towards her and kisses her, she bursts into tears; at home, Rory sobs to Lorelai that shes ready to wallow now.

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18 - The Third Lorelai

Emily becomes unhinged at the prospect of a visit from Richards mother Trix; Paris is outraged when she discovers that Tristan asked her for a date at Rorys urging; fearing that shell never see Lorelai again, Emily opposes Trixs offer to set up a trust fund for Rory.

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19 - Emily in Wonderland

Rachel finds an abandoned inn that Lorelai and Sookie fall in love with; Lorelai and Rachel spend the afternoon getting to know each other and Rachel asks Lorelai to put in a good word for her with Luke; as Rory takes Emily on a tour of Stars Hollow, Emily hits it off with Mrs. Kim and Michel, but becomes distraught when she sees Lorelai and Rorys first home; at Sookies urging, Lorelai gives Jacksons cousin Rune a job at the Inn.

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20 - P.S. I Lo...

Lorelai helps Luke shop for a birthday present for Rachel and goes wild outfitting him with a new wardrobe; overwhelmed by sadness at her breakup with Dean, Rory is distressed to discover that Lane and Dean have become science project partners, and incensed to find out from Max that Lorelai has neglected to mention that they are dating again, so she argues with Lorelai and then takes off for Hartford to spend the night at her grandparents house without telling her mother; when an angry Lorelai confronts Dean and discovers the truth about his breakup with Rory, she fears that she has taught Rory not to commit to a relationship.

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21 - Love, Daisies and Troubadours

Paris wreaks her revenge after Tristan lies about going to a concert with Rory; Rachel leaves Stars Hollow after she becomes convinced that despite his protests, Luke is in love with Lorelai; Rorys defense of the Stars Hollow troubadour during a town meeting brings her back together with Dean, enabling her to finally say, and mean, the words that hes been longing to hear; Luke and Max meet and engage in a little not-so-friendly rivalry as Max begins to suspect, despite her protests, that Lorelai and Luke were once an item; Max proposes to Lorelai with a thousand yellow daisies.

Lauren Graham

Lauren Graham

Lorelai Gilmore
Alexis Bledel

Alexis Bledel

Rory Gilmore
Melissa McCarthy

Melissa McCarthy

Sookie St. James
Keiko Agena

Keiko Agena

Lane Kim
Yanic Truesdale

Yanic Truesdale

Michel Gerard
Scott Patterson

Scott Patterson

Luke Danes
Kelly Bishop

Kelly Bishop

Emily Gilmore
Edward Herrmann

Edward Herrmann

Richard Gilmore
Liza Weil

Liza Weil

Paris Geller
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